Photos Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival

Yesterday’s news – Single whites: ‘Somei-yoshino’, ‘Akebono’ and ‘Umineko’/’Snow Goose’

April 11, 2023. More single white blossoms. Here are two cultivars that are often confused, and another that could cause some confusion were it more common. ‘Somei-yoshino’ is not so common in Vancouver, but it’s the most popular cherry in Japan and is the one planted at the tidal basin in Washington, DC and at the Quad at the University of Washington in Seattle. The single white flowers are not more than 3 cm across and hang on sparsely hairy stems.


Very popular in Vancouver are ‘Akebono’, with several block-long plantings forming an arch over the street. This tree is in the same species as ‘Somei-yoshino’ (Yedoensis). The flowers are slightly larger than ‘Somei-yoshino’, are more pink at peak bloom, and their stems are less hairy. Some flowers exhibit an extra small petal in the centre, which is never the case for the other two cultivars featured here.

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20230329 PendrellWGilford Akebono Willard IMG_1448

‘Umineko’ or ‘Snow Goose’ are separately named cultivars with the same parents. We’re pretty sure no-one can tell them apart. These trees start upright; the branches eventually spread out but curve back inward at the tips. The flowers are smaller than the cherries shown above, are pure white with petals so round that they overlap to form large stars. Starting now, leaves will appear with the flowers.

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20230411 Robson Chilco Umineko Willard IMG_2370

Akebono at Coal Harbour

Nice curve of Akebono along the seawall at Coal Harbor this morning. Many people out taking photos by them!

Lisa L. on the UBC Botanical Garden Forums Blog for Downtown
Photo: Lisa L.
Photo: Lisa L.
Photo: Lisa L.

Akebono at Burrard Skytrain Station

Akebono cherry trees at Burrard Skytrain Station are now ready for their closeups reports Wendy Cutler, VCBF Cherry Scout leader, on the UBC Botanical Garden Forums Blog for Downtown.

Photo: Wendy Cutler.
Photo: Wendy Cutler.
Photo: Wendy Cutler.
Photo: Wendy Cutler.

Cherry Scouts Photos

A full day of cherry blossom viewing in Vancouver

First, I visit the Accolade cherry trees at Chilco Park (Chilco/Comox). “Hey, the cherry blossoms are out!” said a man cycling by.

Tip: The Accolade blossoms are 70% in bloom. Visit this location within 10 days to enjoy peak blossom.


Then, I check on the Akebono cherry trees at Burrard skytrain station.  Mostly buds, but the trees at the front (which are exposed to the sun) already have a few flowers.

Tip: It looks like the cherry blossoms will be fully open in 10 days. Visit around March 25 to experience peak bloom.


Whitcombs cherry blossoms at Ayshire and Aubrey in Burnaby are finally open. The trees are bloomed at 70%.

Tip: Visit within 7 days to catch peak bloom and 10-15 days to be showered in petals.


Wow! That was an exciting day of cherry scouting!  At night, I sort through my photos. The next day, I post my findings on the UBC botanical garden forum.

Tip: Did you know you can see what’s blooming in your neighbourhood by visiting the UBC botanical garden forum? Click on your neighborhood and navigate to the last page to see what was posted recently.

Additional tip: Create a login and you’ll be able to subscribe to a thread to receive news of blooming trees in your neighbourhood.

If you’d like to learn how to identify cherry trees, visit the VCBF cherry scout page.

Photos Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival

The Big Picnic

The atmosphere was very festive for The Big Picnic at the Queen Elizabeth Park.  Hundreds of people gathered under cherry trees to enjoy a community picnic and watch musical performances while Akebono cherry petals quietly fell all around.


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Join us for more fun under cherry blossoms such as Bike the Blossoms and more activities featured on our community events page.


Cherry Blossom Road

On 6th avenue, if you head towards Slocan you’ll get a view of this beautiful cherry blossom road.

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On top of the hill the canopy of cherry trees is spectacular.

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It’s a short block, but the cherry trees are quite amazing.

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There are large Akebono cherry trees, which means a lot of petals are falling.

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This is the last week to get caught in Akebono snow, so hurry up and check our neighbourhood map to locate cherry trees trees near you.


Downtown walk under Akebono blossoms

Akebono cherry trees have reached peak bloom in downtown Vancouver. It’s a lovely time for a walk.

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Want to know more about Vancouver cherry trees? Join our free Cherry Talks and Walks starting this Sunday April 7.


Akebono shines in Stanley Park

At the rose garden in Stanley Park, Akebono cherry trees are full of buds. The blossoms will reach peak bloom in a few days, just in time for our Tree Talk and Walk on Sunday April 7.

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Meanwhile, at the entrance of Stanley Park, Akebono trees are in full bloom. The blossoms are glowing in the sun.

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Check out the Akebono in your neighborhood this week-end to be covered with petals. Or, better, attend The Big Picnic at Queen Elizabeth park on April 13. There will be food, music, dance, and blossoms

Happy cherry blossom viewing!


Akebono skyline at 5th and Lillooet

Don’t hesitate to go cherry blossom viewing, even on a cloudy day, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned is that cherry blossoms won’t wait. When it’s time for the petals to fall, you want to be there. Rain or shine, it will still be spectacular.

There are two rows of akebono cherry trees at 5th avenue and Lillooet. A bonus feature is that you get the highrises of Burnaby’s Brentwood area in the background.

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This location is very close to 6th and Slocan where you’ll find akebono forming an archway over the street, so you should visit both.

Visit the Festival Neighbourhood maps to see what’s blooming in your area.

Happy cherry blossom viewing!



Akebono petals at 6th and Slocan (Renfrew Area)

It’s that time of the year when Akebono petals fall softly on the streets of Vancouver. Lots of photographers will visit one of the Festival’s favorite locations, such as 6th and Slocan where Akebono cherry trees form an archway over the street.

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Visit the Festival neighbourhood map to find our favorite cherry blossom viewing locations (listed in red on the map).

You might also like to visit: Graveley street, Georgia street, Manitoba street.

Happy cherry blossom viewing!