
Akebono skyline at 5th and Lillooet

Don’t hesitate to go cherry blossom viewing, even on a cloudy day, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned is that cherry blossoms won’t wait. When it’s time for the petals to fall, you want to be there. Rain or shine, it will still be spectacular.

There are two rows of akebono cherry trees at 5th avenue and Lillooet. A bonus feature is that you get the highrises of Burnaby’s Brentwood area in the background.

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This location is very close to 6th and Slocan where you’ll find akebono forming an archway over the street, so you should visit both.

Visit the Festival Neighbourhood maps to see what’s blooming in your area.

Happy cherry blossom viewing!



Okame cherry tree (Charles street/Fell)


This Okame cherry tree,  located on Charles Street (corner Fell) in Burnaby North, has dark pink – almost red – flowers. It would be easy to mistake it for a Whitcomb cherry tree or a plum tree.

As always, to identify a cherry tree, you have to get closer…


The main characteristics of the Okame is that the flowers have a long calyx tube.


The centre of the Okame cherry blossom is red, and red “veins” run through the petals.

The petals open wide, and far apart, all around the sepals (the “star” shape at the centre).


The red “heart” might be hard to see on young flowers that have not yet open. However, on these young blossoms, the long calyx would be a clue to identify them as Okame cherry blossoms.


The small slit at the end of each petals is clearly visible. This is a clue, along with the horizontal bars on the trunk, that these are, indeed, cherry blossoms (and not plum).


Looking at the fallen blossoms is an excellent way to learn more about cherry trees.


The Okame cherry petals are dark pink and very tiny.  The slit at the end of the petals is clearly visible against the sidewalk.


If you’ve never seen an Okame cherry tree, this location is worth a visit within the next week. There’s plenty of parking in the residential street.


Additional tips

Can’t make it to that location? No problem. Find out where you can find Okame cherries on our neighborhood map.

To identify cherry trees in your neighborhood, buy Ornamental Cherries in Vancouver (your essential guide to cherry blossom viewing in Vancouver).



Pendula cherry tree (Burnaby North)

Pendula cherry tree Yeovil street (corner of Karen) Burnaby North March 29 2013

The Pendula cherry tree is one of the easiest tree to identify thanks to its weeping branches in the shape of a pendula. This Pendula tree is located at Yeovil street (corner of Karen) in Burnaby North and was visible from Halifax street.

Pendula cherry tree Yeovil street (corner of Karen) Burnaby North March 29 2013

The drooping blossoms are characteristics of the Pendula cherry blossoms.

Pendula cherry tree Yeovil street (corner of Karen) Burnaby North March 29 2013

There are so many blossoms on that Pendula tree! It’s absolutely amazing!

Cherry viewing tip: the tree is at its peak. You should visit soon!

Pendula cherry tree Yeovil street (corner of Karen) Burnaby North March 29 2013

Other location: if you don’t live in Burnaby and would like to see a Pendula tree: the VanDusen Garden has several beautiful Pendula cherry trees, including one of the  Snow Fountain (white) variety. You can visit them this week-end during Sakura Days Japan Fair (April 6-7 2013)

Did you know? There are over 40 different cultivars of cherry trees in Vancouver. This spring, make sure to visit a specie of cherry tree you’ve never seen before. Check out the VCBF map to find their location and buy the Ornamental cherries in Vancouver guide by Douglas Justice which has been an indispensable tool to help me identify cherry blossoms for this blog.


Accolade on Halifax (corner Moore)

Accolade cherry tree on Halifax street (corner of Moore street) in Burnaby North,  March29 2013

I hope you’ll have time to enjoy some cherry blossom viewing during the Easter week-end. The weather is just perfect!

Accolade cherry tree on Halifax street (corner of Moore street) in Burnaby North,  March29 2013

These three Accolade cherry trees on Halifax street (corner Moore) in Burnaby North are now at their peak.

Accolade cherry tree on Halifax street (corner of Moore street) in Burnaby North,  March29 2013

With the sun out, it’s the perfect time to take nice pictures at this location.

Accolade cherry tree on Halifax street (corner of Moore street) in Burnaby North,  March29 2013

Photography tip: set your camera on macro and get as close as you can to the blossoms. You might  even catch a glimpse at a bee pollinating the cherry blossom! There were several bees hovering around the flowers this afternoon.

Cherry viewing tip: the Accolade cherry blossoms are at their peak.  Hurry up!


Accolade (Burnaby North)

Accolade cherry tree Halifax Kensington March 17 2013 by jt

On Halifax street (corner of Kensington), the Accolade cherry tree is 30% bloom. I love photographing cherry trees in that early stage when you can capture both blossoms and buds!


There are two Accolade cherry trees at this location, which means plenty blossoms and buds!

Accolade cherry tree Halifax Kensington March 17 2013 by jt

Photographers tips:  there are lots of low branches on the tree, allowing for good closeups. The light is great all afternoon but especially between 12 and 3, with the sun coming from behind the blossoms. It’s an ideal location for closeup photography.

Accolade cherry tree Halifax Kensington March 17 2013 by jt

Hurry up! Blossoms are already falling, covering the lawn.

What’s blooming now in Burnaby North: there’s a Whitcomb cherry tree on Broadway corner of Cliff. Go down Kensington and turn left on Broadway.