
Our five favourite spots to see Whitcomb cherry trees

Whitcomb cherry trees are blooming in the city. At Nicola Park the trees are fully bloomed while in other areas the Whitcomb have just started to show bright pink blossoms. Visit these five locations in the next week or two to see peak bloom.

1. Nicola Park (corner Pendrell, Downtown)

Whitcomb cherry trees at Nicola Park
Whitcomb cherry trees at Nicola Park (February 15, 2020).

2- Denman (Seawall, Stanley Park)

Whitcomb cherry tree on the seawall at the end of Denman street.
Whitcomb cherry tree on the seawall at the end of Denman street (February 29, 2020).

3. Nicola/Beach (Downtown)

Whitcomb cherry tree at Nicola and Beach.
Whitcomb cherry tree at Nicola and Beach (February 15, 2020).

4. Aubrey/Ayshire (Burnaby)

Whitcomb cherry trees at Aubrey and Ayshire in Burnaby.
Whitcomb cherry trees at Aubrey and Ayshire in Burnaby (February 29, 2020).

5-McSpaden Park

Whitcomb cherry trees at McSpaden Park
Whitcomb cherry trees at McSpaden Park (March 3, 2020)


Happy cherry blossom viewing!

Whitcomb cherry blossoms on the seawall at the end of Denman street in Vancouver.
Whitcomb cherry blossoms on the seawall at the end of Denman street in Vancouver (February 29, 2020).


Cherry Scouts Photos

Early Bloomers

Vancouver Whitcomb cherry trees at Nicola park

“The three straggly ‘Whitcomb’ at Nicola Mini-Park are also showing signs of pink. ” – (Willard)

When this posting went up on the VCBF Neighbourhood Blogs forum on January 12, I felt a shiver of excitement down my spine: “Cherry blossom season has begun!”

The Whitcomb cherry trees at Nicola Park are one of the first cherry trees to bloom in Vancouver. When their tiny, deep pink cherry blossoms are open, it officially marks the start of our “pink wave” here in Vancouver (a pink wave that will reach its peak during the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival in April).


Whitcomb cherry blossoms are blooming mid-February to mid-March.  They purple pink flowers are small and photogenic.  Use the Neighbourhood Maps to locate a Whitcomb tree near you, grab your camera, and rejoice: Vancouver cherry blossom viewing has begun!

[Photos: Jessica Tremblay]