

Anne Eng, VCBF Cherry Scout, introduces us to Shosar cherry trees on the UBC Neighborhood Blog for Burnaby:

The two trees of ‘Shosar’ are in full bloom on the south side of Sherban Crescent, east of Holdom, at March 26, 2022.
Bright “cerise” pink flowers with red sepals and calyxes, and veins on the petals.

Anne Eng, VCBF Cherry Scout
Photo: Anne Eng.
Photo: Anne Eng.
Photo: Anne Eng.
Photo: Anne Eng.

Whitcomb Cherry Blossoms

Whitcomb cherry blossoms are already open in Vancouver, but just bloomed in Burnaby at Ayshire/Arvine Crescent.

The 17 Whitcomb cherry trees peaked about 5 days ago. Today was a great day to be showered with blossoms (quite windy).

This street on a hill offers a great view of Metrotown highrises.

Hummingbirds frequently visit the blossoms. You just gotta hope they stand still for a minute so you can get the shot.

Photo: Jessica Tremblay.
Photo: Jessica Tremblay.
Photo: Jessica Tremblay.
Photo: Jessica Tremblay.
Photo: Jessica Tremblay.
Photo: Jessica Tremblay.
Photo: Jessica Tremblay.


Another beautiful day of cherry blossom viewing

After a first day of teleworking, I reward myself with one hour of cherry blossom viewing.

At this time, the instructions from the city of Vancouver regarding the control of COVID-19 say you’re allowed to go outside as long as you maintain social distancing and don’t congregate in groups.  This means no cherry blossom picnics, but  a quick walk by yourself in the neighbourhood is fine.

The Whitcomb cherry trees at Ayshire and Aubrey are fully bloomed. The flowers are beautiful. They’re buzzing with bees! Petals haven’t started to fall yet.

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This Accolade tree at Halifax and Kensington might be missing a branch or two, but the blossoms are splendid! Accolade are only about 20-30% bloomed in Burnaby, so you have another 7-10 days to visit.

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The Okame cherry tree at Charles and Fell might be slightly past its prime — lots of tiny petals on the ground, and most remaining blossoms have missing petals — but it’s such a rare tree that it’s worth a trip.  Visit within 5 days.

By the way, Okame have some of the smallest petals I’ve ever seen on the ground. So cute!

Tip: Visit in the morning or early afternoon. The sun set behind the house, which blocks the light. These pics were taken about 5 pm and there was only one ray of sunshine at the top of the canopy.

Also make sure to take a photo of the long calyx (the back of the flower), since that’s what this flower is famous for.

20200319_charlesfell_okame_tremblay_IMG_4494 20200319_charlesfell_okame_tremblay_IMG_4477 Okame cherry petals cover the sidewalk at Charles and Fell in Burnaby. 20200319_charlesfell_okame_tremblay_IMG_4491

I hope you’re taking care of yourself in these difficult times.If you are feeling stressed, go out and visit a cherry tree in your neighbourhood. (You can use the VCBF Neighbourhood map to find the trees blooming now in your area). And pleasee maintain social distancing.


Our five favourite spots to see Whitcomb cherry trees

Whitcomb cherry trees are blooming in the city. At Nicola Park the trees are fully bloomed while in other areas the Whitcomb have just started to show bright pink blossoms. Visit these five locations in the next week or two to see peak bloom.

1. Nicola Park (corner Pendrell, Downtown)

Whitcomb cherry trees at Nicola Park
Whitcomb cherry trees at Nicola Park (February 15, 2020).

2- Denman (Seawall, Stanley Park)

Whitcomb cherry tree on the seawall at the end of Denman street.
Whitcomb cherry tree on the seawall at the end of Denman street (February 29, 2020).

3. Nicola/Beach (Downtown)

Whitcomb cherry tree at Nicola and Beach.
Whitcomb cherry tree at Nicola and Beach (February 15, 2020).

4. Aubrey/Ayshire (Burnaby)

Whitcomb cherry trees at Aubrey and Ayshire in Burnaby.
Whitcomb cherry trees at Aubrey and Ayshire in Burnaby (February 29, 2020).

5-McSpaden Park

Whitcomb cherry trees at McSpaden Park
Whitcomb cherry trees at McSpaden Park (March 3, 2020)


Happy cherry blossom viewing!

Whitcomb cherry blossoms on the seawall at the end of Denman street in Vancouver.
Whitcomb cherry blossoms on the seawall at the end of Denman street in Vancouver (February 29, 2020).


Cherry Scouts Photos

Autumnalis Rosea on Georgia street (Willingdon to Boundary)

It’s time to visit Autumnalis Rosea, our winter-blooming cherries. The tiny blossoms are starting to open.

Autumnalis Rosea cherry blossom on the ground with a nickel

At Georgia street, between Willingdon and Boundary, you’ll find two dozen Autumnalis Rosea cherry trees spread over eight blocks.  Closer to Willingdon, every five trees is an Autumnalis Rosea, but when you reach MacDonald, there are more and more trees closer together, which means more blossoms!

Autumnalis Rosea cherry blossoms at Georgia street with MacDonald street sign. Autumnalis Rosea cherry trees with MacDonald street sign.

If your keep walking towards Ingleton, the city of Vancouver appears at the end of the street.

Autumnalis Rosea cherry trees lining up Georgia street (between Willingdon and Boundary) Autumnalis Rosea cherry trees lining up Georgia street (between Willingdon and Boundary)

During my visit, birds were playing in the trees. Occasionally, I was showered with blossoms.

Autumnalis Rosea cherry blossoms fallen on the ground (Gerogia street, corner Willingdon) Autumnalis Rosea cherry blossom on the ground at Georgia street

Peak bloom. At this location, the flowers peak starting mid-January and should last 2 weeks. Visit on a sunny day for better pictures (Autumnalis Rosea cherry blossoms look great with a blue sky!).

Wanna visit later?  You can expect to see Autumnalis Rosea at this location up till the beginning of April, but the leaves will be out (and Akebono on this street will be stealing the show).

You might also be interested in: Sunny photos of Autumnalis Rosea on Georgia street from January 28 2015.

Check the VCBF neighbourhood map to find Autumnalis Rosea cherry trees in your neighbourhood.



Okame blossoms will brighten your day

Can you believe these are actually cherry blossoms?

Okame cherry tree

Okame cherry trees look totally different than other cherry trees with their small dark flowers on a long calyx tube.

Okame cherry blossoms

Okame trees are currently in bloom right now. It’s a rare cherry tree in Vancouver so it’s worth a visit.

Okame cherry tree

This tree is in Burnaby on Charles street (corner Fell), but there are other Okame in UBC,Kitsiliano, etc. Search the neighbourhood map to find an Okame near you.



Whitcomb peaking now at Ayshire Drive

Whitcomb cherry trees may be done in the West-End, but they are in full bloom everywhere else, including at Ayshire Drive in Burnaby.



Deep pink, Whitcomb cherry blossoms are stunning on a sunny day, especially with a blue sky in the background. The bees are happy!


Visit this location within seven days to capture the flowers at their best, or seven to ten days to be showered with petals.



Check the VCBF neighborhoud map to find Whitcomb cherry trees near you.

You might also like: pictures of this location in March 2016 and February 2016.

Cherry Scouts Photos

Autumnalis Rosea (winter cherries) on Georgia/Willingdon

On Georgia street you’ll find a dozen Autumnalis Rosea cherry trees spread over five blocks between Willingdon and Gilmore.

Autumnalis Rosea cherry blossoms always look like they just woke up with a massive case of bed hair: their petals are curled inwards. As a consequence, the flowers look a bit messy, but adorable.

Autumnalis Rosea at Georgia/Willingdon Autumnalis Rosea at Georgia/Willingdon

Autumnalis Rosea are winter cherries. They have really tiny flowers scattered on the tree,  so I hope your camera has a good zoom!

Autumnalis Rosea at Georgia/Willingdon Autumnalis Rosea at Georgia/Willingdon

The blossoms that survived winter look tired, but the good news is that when the sun comes out Autumnalis Rosea sometimes have another bloom in spring. Plan to visit on a sunny day, but hurry up: Autumnalis Rosea will be out of season pretty soon.

Check the VCBF Neighborhood maps to locate Autumnalis Rosea and see what else is blooming in your area.

Photos by Jessica Tremblay

You might also like: pictures of this location in 2015

Cherry Scouts Photos

Whitcomb Cherry Blossoms (Ayshire Drive)


I went back to Ayshire Drive in North Burnaby. Whitcomb cherry blossoms are now fully open and look beautiful, even in the rain.

What a difference a couple of weeks can make! Here’s a photo from my visit of February 20 2016 and of today March 2 2016:

February 20, 2016 (Ayshire Drive)
March 2 2016 (Ayshire Drive)
Cherry Scouts Photos

Whitcomb at Westridge Elementary School 615 Duncan/Union

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This Whitcomb cherry tree is located outside Westridge Elementary School at 615 Duncan/Union in Burnaby. There are two park benches underneath.

Wthicomb cherry trees are in full bloom right now.  Find Whitcomb cherry trees in your area with the VCBF Neighborhood map.