
Accolade cherry tree Halifax Kensington March 17 2013 by jt

On Halifax street (corner of Kensington), the Accolade cherry tree is 30% bloom. I love photographing cherry trees in that early stage when you can capture both blossoms and buds!


There are two Accolade cherry trees at this location, which means plenty blossoms and buds!

Accolade cherry tree Halifax Kensington March 17 2013 by jt

Photographers tips:  there are lots of low branches on the tree, allowing for good closeups. The light is great all afternoon but especially between 12 and 3, with the sun coming from behind the blossoms. It’s an ideal location for closeup photography.

Accolade cherry tree Halifax Kensington March 17 2013 by jt

Hurry up! Blossoms are already falling, covering the lawn.

What’s blooming now in Burnaby North: there’s a Whitcomb cherry tree on Broadway corner of Cliff. Go down Kensington and turn left on Broadway.

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