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Vancouver Desi April 24, 2014My Vancity April 21, 2014CBC Montreal April 19, 2014The Province April 13, 2014Vancouver Courier April 11, 2014Vancouver Shinpo April 10, 2014Vancouver Kaizei April 10, 2014The Nikka Times April 10, 2014BC Living April 8, 2014April 8, 2014The Will Box April 8, 2014Life Vancouver April 8, 2014The Vancouver Sun April 5, 2014Xinhua April 4, 2014CTV News April 3, 2014CBC News April 3, 2014Global News Hour April 3, 2014VanPeople April 3, 2014Vancouver Sun April 3, 2014The Province April 3, 2014Ming Pao April 3, 2014Ming Pao April 2, 2014Vancouver Sun Online April 2, 2014The Voice Online April 2, 2014The Province Online April 2, 2014Miss 604 April 1, 2014Asian Pacific Post April 1, 2014FairChild NewsThe Seattle Times April 2014Fresh from Vancouver April 2014HuffPost British Columbia March 21, 2014Travel Underwriters March 20, 2014The Early Edition March 20, 2014Vancouver Sun March 19, 2014Auberge Hotel March 19, 2014Global BC Noon News March 14, 2014Fresh from Vancouver March 2014Vancouver Sun February 21, 2014The Wheeling Journal & Topics February 20, 2014Risvel February 20, 2014Good Life Vancouver February 3, 2014MyWinePal Februay 2, 2014Yue Bao: The Bulletin February 2014Flavour Hunter February 2014OPUS Art & Community News January 22, 2014Air Canada e-magazine January 8, 2014RV West January 2014Fresh from Vancouver 2014Vancouver Sun December 13, 2013 Vancouver Sun - All I want for Christmas (Print): Dec. 13, 2013さくらBOOK December 5, 2013